4 youthful skin care foods for spring in Torquay

You can improve the look and feel of your appearance! This Spring we have listed some amazing super ‘foods’ to add to that shopping list in Torquay!

Lemons and Limes – Highly alkalising foods,these citrus fruits will promote a more youthful skin by helping the body eliminate toxins. They also contain vitamin C which boosts collagen formation. Our Nimue product line offers cutting edge antioxidants and other powerful active ingredients for skin care support.

Black Sesame Seeds – Rich in antioxidants, these seeds are also a source of protein, magnesium, calcium and zinc, essential for healthy skin!

Oily Fish – The omega-3s in oily fish such as salmon, trout, sardines and tuna help calm inflammation, reduce sensitivity and enhance the immune system!

Red Guava – Containing six times more vitamin C than oranges, it also like tomatoes is a rich source of lycopene, which helps protect yourself from sun damage coming into the warmer months ahead!

Also a reminder for this stage of the year it’s a perfect time to get into a course of  Steam  Sauna treatments as this is cleansing from the inside out and helps assist those extra toxins through our largest elimination organ working at it’s best for optimal skin care. At the same time promoting texture, elasticity and tone!

Please feel free to  contact us  next time your visiting or doing your local Torquay shopping make a list to include the above items!