Torquay clients love our therapeutic massage treatments

We all know massage treatments enhance our health and well-being and that there are many types of therapy or modalities out there. The best thing about these therapies is depending on how you feel you can choose a particular style that would be most suitable for you, what you feel you need either in the moment or part of an on-going plan. Also each therapist has their own interpretation and creative instinct to bring to the table..

We find that personally our therapeutic massage treatments enable a very tailored experience as your body has different requirements at different times and such a treatment really allows everything to be dealt with in the moment. “There’s relaxation but also depth that can allow a nice manipulation of your muscles, you can literally feel the tension releasing but in a nice comfortable way.” Describe many of our Torquay clients. “A great style, all pleasure no pain, it’s just great to feel ‘something’ has been done!”. This is true to the manner that our therapists interpret this style as it should be.

Yes you can go down the relaxation and deep tissue to remedial path but in general a very nice ‘medium’, (getting the best of both worlds in the limited time you have) from this therapeutic method is an extremely beneficial choice. So the next time you may be in or near Torquay come in and experience this very re-balancing modality!

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