Pregnancy advice with massage and day spa treatments

Enjoying the day spa for two has its added benefits. From helping you to stay relaxed to giving you the opportunity to de-stress. Although it is a time that does require some alterations in your spa’ing’ experience. Here’s a few extra things to keep in mind for your next ‘time-out’ you take in Torquay.

Do-  Remember to communicate where you’re at in what stage or trimester you’re in at the time of booking your pregnancy massage. This helps to confirm which treatments are best suited for you.

Don’t-  If you’re feeling nauseous at any time do not forget to let your therapist know! This means we can take proper steps to ensure any uncomfortable feeling.

Do-  Treat yourself to a mid-pregnancy facial. There’s plenty of hormonal changes going on, as your skin will be on a wavelength of its own and it will strongly benefit from being pampered. Facial treatments designed to re-balance and nourish can help to minimise the severity of breakouts.

Don’t-  Changes to your usual routine are to be expected. Some minor modifications to your massage routine may be necessary for both comfort and safety. After month five, you will be advised to avoid laying flat on your back. Side-laying and facedown on our specific pregnancy bed is favourable.

Our prenatal day spa therapies are designed to relax any tension, ease sore spots and improve circulation all while promoting relaxation helping ease any discomforts you have as your body grows and changes. Our Torquay therapists are trained to target your specific needs and adjust and tailor their techniques just for you.

Please contact us in Torquay for more.