7 tips for lasting pedicure treatments at home

Whilst it’s still thong season here in Torquay, here’s how to prolong your pedicure treatments so you can keep looking fresh for weeks to come.

Here’s some ‘at home tips’ for when it comes to treating yourself :

-Prepare your base

In the same way your skincare or makeup needs that ‘clean canvas’, treating your feet before the polish hits the nails is crucial for its longevity. Swiping polish remover over each nail to clean off any natural oils or residue from lotions, will make your base coat stick.

-Buffing of any ridges

Nail-ridges create an uneven platform, which can make your polish chip sooner than you’d like. File, buff for a smooth foundation.

-Choosing the right polish

Avoid chunky glitter polishes with flake-prone textures. Instead, opt for creamy polishes, which glide and lie smoothly against the nail, preventing friction in your shoes.

-Mindful of your footwear

Try staying away from pointy-toed shoes for at least 24 hours after fresh pedicure treatments. Also avoid running shoes due to the friction created by running -it’s tough on toes.

-Refresh with a Topcoat

Applying a fresh clear topcoat weekly will help to keep the colour vibrant and add some protection too. Particularly if you love your bare foot Torquay beach walks as not only will it offer a new sheen, it covers up the fading that happens over time.


Slough heels and soles with a scrub to soften the tougher skin. Try a foot peel with alpha hydroxy acids to ‘chemically’ exfoliate. Cover your feet in a foot lotion and try popping on a pair of socks before going to bed!

-Cuticle oil

Dropping cuticle oil over the nails helps create a barrier, protects the growing nail and nourishes deeply around the nail-beds and helps prevent any splitting.

We hope you found these little lasting home tips helpful please contact us in Torquay for more.