With endless sources of Hottest Skincare Tips throughout Melbourne suburbs, with more and more complicated or faux skincare trials, why not keep it simple and take it back to basics with our best friend, water!
What if we told you in addition to High Salon Quality Skincare, skincare hacks and tips don’t have to be so complicated? Something so simple could be the answer for improved, enhanced and out of this world skin!? Well here are the facts – Here’s how drinking water can significantly improve your overall health, wellbeing and be your best skin care hack!
1. Improves the complexion
It helps to moisturise your epidermis keeping it smooth, glowing and vibrant! It is the best natural ant-ageing treatment!
2. Boosts your immune system
By getting an adequate intake of water it helps our bodies to fight against a flu and certain types of cancer.
3. Flushes the body
Gets rid of toxins and waste in the body through sweat and urination which helps to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and kidney stones.
4. Natural remedy for headaches
Headaches and migraines are often caused by dehydration and can help be prevented or relieved by drinking enough water.
5. Feel exceptional
When our bodies are functioning at their prime it will make you feel satisfied, happy and healthy! It will make you want to get out and about and enjoy all that Torquay has to offer.
But how much water am I supposed to drink?
Results are best seen on an individual scale, and every person is so unique to the amount of water their body requires – as most things go, it’s not a 1 fits all.
We see our BEST results from 1 litre of filtered water per 20kg b/w. Which means most of us are atleast 1lt below our recommended intake! Try upping your water intake, and watch the results enhance your Skin, Body and Wellbeing!
Remember that you must still be looking after your skin with High Salon Quality Skincare in addition to your water intake for your Skin to function at it’s best!
Contact us in Torquay and Port Melbourne for more information, honest and hottest skincare tips, and care.