top 5 Natural beauty tips from Saltair day spa torquay

There is always room for more Natural beauty advice for our Torquay day spa clients! Heres five top beauty secrets!

1. Macadamia Oil

We love face oils.. Contrary to popular belief they are not just for people with dry skin but work just as well on those of us who have combination skin. When applying the oil you can give yourself a one minute face massage which stimulates cells. You can apply your oil at night instead of night cream and also a few drops in the morning under your moisturiser. Trust me, it does not leave you with an oily film rather super-soft skin. Our current favourite is the organic macadamia oil by Litya which is packed with antioxidants. Our Favourite Day spa product!

2. Wild Rosella

A beautiful toner or face spritzer and hydrator that replenishes the skin and smells divine. It is protein rich and instantly gives a moisturising boost. Make sure its infused with organic flowers and plants to super hydrate and revive stressed and tired skin. Use twice daily morning and night after cleansing and spritz over makeup to refresh throughout the day. Available online from the Spa shop also in organic Desert Lime.

3. Bodybrush

Yes we know this is nothing new but it is so effective that everyone should own a body brush with natural bristles. Not only is it good for stimulating the lymphatic system and detoxifying but also gets rid of dead skin cells and boosts your circulatory system. We recommend doing this at least three times a week before you shower or bathe for the best benefits. Or add in a professional sea salt exfoliation to any other spa body treatment whilst in torquay!

Kodo Massage (Li'tya)

4. Body oil

Used by many yogis and for good reason. After you body brush and before you get in the shower, apply sesame, almond, macadamia or coconut oil (packed with vitamin e) in long sweeping strokes. Spend a bit of time massaging any stiff muscles. You don’t need to use soap or shower gel in the shower just let the water wash it off. The result is smooth and Silky skin after you dry off with no need for body cream. If you want a bit of a scent apply a drop of essential oil to the almond oil. A favourite is lemongrass but there are plenty to choose from….jasmine, lavender, and neroli to name a few. –Macadamia and Camilla oil is also perfect in pregnancy and is available at our Day spa!

5. Eat seaweed

Seaweed is known as nature’s caviar and full of health boosting properties. It has the widest range of minerals than any other food type and because of its high content of magnesium can also be used as a stress busting food. Many of the expensive cosmetic brands use marine ingredients in their products so what could be better than consuming it as part of your diet? There are seaweed salads found in Japanese restaurants (and we have a great one located in torquay!) but if you want to incorporate it in your daily diet buy nori strips from a Japanese shop or online and putting in miso soup. My favourite is Clearspring Organic instant Miso soup. Really easy to make and very comforting and nourishing.